Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In related news....

Sorry that last post took me forever to get up.  I had a perfect storm of papers, exams, and jetlag hindering me.

But Mom and her friend Mary are coming to visit this week.  They'll be getting here Friday.  They have quite an ambitious schedule to keep up.  I'm going to Bath and Windsor with them this weekend.  Then they're doing London and Edinburgh during the week, and then we're all going to York next weekend for Easter services.  YAY!!!!!!

Also, Flat Stanley went on a two-week sojourn through central and western Europe with Carly and Ted (both from sunny California): Hungary, Austria, and Belgium.  They sent me some pictures, and I updated Flat Stanley's blog here.  Enjoy!!

One more thing.  I realize that I have fallen off the postcard wagon pretty hard.  Sorry about that.  

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